17 SEP - Kill ‘Em With Kindness: Forced Praise Play

Presenters: DoctorBubbles & KitkatAnn
Time: 19:00 CEST, 13:00 EDT / Duration: 2 hours
Area: Mental SM
Format: Live Lecture + REC
Platform: Zoom

1 OCT - Safety in the Shadows: Kink vs Toxicity in Dark Dynamics

Presenter: vahavta
Time: 20:00 CEST, 14:00 EDT / Duration: 2 hours
Area: CNC, TPE, Edge Play
Format: Live Lecture
Platform: Zoom

8 OCT - Spiky & Ouchy: Needle Play 101

Presenters: Radically Dark
Duration: 20:00 CEST, 14:00 EDT / Duration: 2.5 hours
Area: Physical SM, Edge Play
Format: Live Lecture + REC
Platform: Zoom

22 OCT - Pretty Sadistic Sharps: Needle Play 201

Presenter: RadicallyDark
Time: 20:00 CEST, 14:00 EDT / Duration: 2 hours
Area: Physical SM, Edge Play
Format: Live Lecture + Rec
Platform: Zoom

12 NOV - Mother Nature's Kinky Side: Chemical & Botanical Play

Presenters: D_Moon_
Duration: 20:00 CET, 14:00 EST / Duration: 2hours
Area: Physical SM, Edge Play
Format: Live Lecture + REC
Platform: Zoom

10 DEC - Witch Kink

Presenter: D_Moon_
Time: 20:00 CET, 14:00 EST / Duration: 2 hours
Area: Rituals, D/s
Format: Live Lecture + Rec
Platform: Zoom